Wednesday Update
The political situation is still very much up-in-the-air, but right now everything is quiet here. I expect that they're in for a rocky road, and things will likely get nasty before they settle down on a permanent basis. I'm hoping that the calm before the storm that is sitting over Kathmandu today will last until I leave.
I mailed my last boxes home and have pretty much cleaned out my apartment so I really don't have any more obligations before I leave. I'll spend my time saying some goodbyes and just enjoying what I can of the city. I am feeling really good about Nepal at the moment and while that makes leaving a bit bittersweet, I am glad to be leaving on a positive note.
I probably won't be blogging on a daily basis. I'll check in if the political situation changes or if there's something in the media that may prompt reassurances. In the meantime, please assume all is well. Less than a week now...
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