Thursday, August 30, 2007

Bad Karma Continues

Shortly after I wrote my last post I decided to go back to the temples and just hang out in the peace and quiet for a while. I thought it would be nice to sit on the lawns and read or listen to music for the afternoon. I got to the gate and opened my wallet to find that I've been robbed. I have no idea when this could have happened - I've been keeping a close eye on my bag. They obviously had time to go through my wallet, choose what it was they wanted to take, and replace it in my bag without me noticing. I had just been to the ATM so there was a good wad of Indian rupees in there and they also took a stash of US dollars. Fortunately they left my cards so I don't have deal with replacing them. I was also able to go back to the ATM and get more cash, but I'm out a few hundred dollars. A pretty nice haul by Indian standards.

It's really not that much of a set-back but it doesn't improve my mood much. I have decided to take a pass on the temples and will sit in my room (with the door bolted) for the remainder of the day with my book and the TV for entertainment. Perhaps I'll do some meditation as well...I know I have to change my attitude towards this place or I'm just going to keep on attracting bad things. It's a tough mindset to change given recent events.

To be honest, if I had more days available to me on my Nepalese visa, I would take the next available flight back to Kathmandu and get out of this country. However, one of the reasons I came to India was because I was running out of time in Nepal so I can't go back now unless I want to give up the option of doing a trek later on. I sure hope I can turn things around for the next ten days.


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